Samplemaster Bolia3 Samplemaster Bolia3

Added Value

SampleMaster wants to be recognized as the number one “One-Stop-Sample-Supplier” where our partners, depending on their needs, can avail themselves fully or partly of our integrated solutions including consulting, design, development, supply-chain, manufacturing, logistics and distribution within sales promoting decision tools.

Solutions Tailored to your needs

You can fully or partially utilise our integrated service, selecting from a wide range of available options to suit your needs. These include the identification of requirements, opportunities, and available options, idea generation, prototype and mock-up development, and sample production on both large and small scales.
We also offer the development of supporting campaign materials and give-aways, planning of warehousing, and the planning of inbound and outbound logistics. Additionally, we provide evaluation with partners and end-users, planning of adjustments according to feedback, and after-sales service.
You can choose to wholly or partially outsource the handling, dispatch, and stocking of sample materials to us. This allows you to focus on your core business, freeing you from these time-consuming tasks.Good promotional material captures people's attention, creates trust, and wins orders.


The vision of SampleMaster is to become the preferred partner in decision tools for a wide range of selected businesses.


Value-adding consultancy and creation of decision tools, for our partners to focus on their core business.


Our comprehensive service model adopts an all-encompassing strategy emphasizing scalability, adaptability, maintenance, sustainability, and sophisticated waste management.

We are committed to offering ongoing support to extend the durability of our clients' sample solutions, thereby minimizing environmental impact and reducing overall lifecycle expenses.

Our commitment to eco-conscious material selection is evident through our extensive range of eco-friendly components, including recycled or certified materials, wood, paper, cardboard, leather, adhesives, paints, varnishes, metals, and sustainable packaging options.